@crime and regulatory

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Putting it simply- What is Health and Safety Law?

Posted: 07 March

Health and Safety Law is made up of acts of parliament and regulations. The main piece of legislation is the Health and Safety at Work Etc. Act 1975. However, many specific work activities such as construction work, working...

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A brief outline of the Single Justice Procedure

Posted: 05 January

What is the Single Justice Procedure? A Single Justice Procedure relates to minor summary- only offences that cannot result in a custodial sentence. For example, driving without insurance, low value shoplifting or speeding. It allows the case to be...

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Police Post Incident Procedures

Posted: 18 November

Police Post Incident Procedures in England and Wales are a regimented and often changing process which to truly understand requires years of practical experience. It is participated in contemporaneously by different organisations with wildly differing objectives often pulling against...

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Expert legal advice with extra care

Why should I use a Lifetime Lawyer? Our solicitor Carly Dartnell is a proud...

- 26 July 2024

To Search or Not to Search

Police Powers and Your Rights. It is no secret that police officers have extensive...

- 26 July 2024

Nobody asks to live with dementia

Taylor Haldane Barlex LLP’s partnership with Alzheimer’s Society Dementia is the UK’s leading cause...

- 18 July 2024