Calls to Ban Smacking Children in England and Northern Ireland
Recent events have reignited calls for the abolition of smacking children in England and...- 21 March 2025
Our Children’s team are dedicated to providing tailored legal advice to families in need, which includes offering Legal Aid where possible. In some family cases, Legal Aid can be available for advice and assistance, negotiation, or full representation at Court.
When Social Services are involved with a family, Legal Aid is often available. This can be automatic depending on your circumstances and includes where:
• Social Services are threatening to remove your child
• You have Parental Responsibility for a child in your care and Social Services are threatening to remove them
• You are involved proceedings about a Care Order, Supervision Order, Child Assessment Order or Emergency Protection Order.
• You have been invited to a Public Law Outline or Pre-Proceedings meeting
• You received a letter from the Local Authority suggesting that you see a solicitor immediately
Legal Aid may also be available for most children matters that involve the Local Authority, also known as Social Services provided you are eligible to include Child Protection
Plans, contact with a child in care, discharging Care Orders and Secure Accommodation Orders.
If you are a family member seeking to be involved in a Court case concerning children, or you are facing allegations of child abuse in family proceedings, then Legal Aid made be available for you.
We can assess whether you would be entitled to receive Legal Aid and apply to the Legal Aid Agency for funding. You may need to provide some documents.
If you do not qualify for funding we can offer competitive fees so you can obtain legal advice.
If you need further advice or assistance call your nearest office or email us on [email protected]
Please continue to explore our website which provides more specific detail in relation to specialised areas of Family/Children law.
- 21 March 2025
- 19 March 2025
- 19 March 2025