@criminal law

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Understanding Your Rights: A Guide to Arrests and Detention

Posted: 05 September

Getting arrested and taken to a police station is likely to be something that will cause a great deal of stress, anxiety, and concern. It is the process of having your liberty taken away, and it is important to...

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To Search or Not to Search

Posted: 26 July

Police Powers and Your Rights. It is no secret that police officers have extensive powers to search people for a vast array of items. However, the very fact that there are numerous circumstances under which these powers can be...

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Reforming Homicide Legislation

Posted: 11 July

What is homicide? A homicide charge can result from an act of murder, manslaughter, infanticide or causing/allowing the death or serious injury of a child or vulnerable adult. Under current legislation, a conviction for an act of homicide by...

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Suspended Sentences

Posted: 07 June

What is a Suspended Sentence? A suspended sentence is a custodial sentence where the offender does not go to prison. On the condition that they do not commit any further offences during the operational period and comply with the...

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Proceeds of Crime Act 2022

Posted: 11 January

If you’re being investigated by the police or having money/assets seized by authorities, it is important that you are properly advised and represented. Read this recent case of a seizure of monies under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002(“POCA”)...

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Voluntary Interviews

Posted: 23 November

In the last decade, the number of arrests made by the Police have halved. A study produced by the UK Home Office shows that in 2010, 1.3 million arrests were made falling to 632,000 in 2021. Among the many...

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Modern day slavery and the National Referral Mechanism Process

Posted: 01 November

Modern day slavery is currently defined by the UK Government as the recruitment, movement, harbouring or receiving of children, women or men through the use of force, coercion, abuse of vulnerability, deception or other means for the purpose of...

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‘Moving the goal posts’ – the CPS’s new stance on tragedy related abuse at football games.

Posted: 31 August

On the 7 August 2023, the Crown Prosecution Service changed their guidelines in respect of how they approach offenders who are found to have been referencing football related tragedies during matches. It is a well-known fact that football chants...

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New Sentencing Guidelines for Perverting the Course of Justice

Posted: 23 August

In a constant effort to maintain the integrity of the Justice System, in August 2023 the Sentencing Council published new guidelines for Perverting the Course of Justice. These will come into effect on 1st October 2023 in England and...

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Revised Sentencing Guidelines for Motoring Offences:

Posted: 18 August

In June 2023, the Sentencing Guidelines for Motoring Offences were revised and updated in England and Wales. Six of the existing guidelines were revised following the introduction of the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act 2022. These are as...

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Understanding Your Rights: A Guide to Arrests and Detention

Getting arrested and taken to a police station is likely to be something that...

- 05 September 2024

UK Probate service in crisis

Inquiry demands change The latest analysis of Ministry of Justice data shows there’s been...

- 26 August 2024

Interested in Buying Property?

The mortgage market has recently seen significant shifts in interest rates, creating both opportunities...

- 21 August 2024