Criminal law- bail

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Pre-charge Bail

Posted: 22 February

Since the presumption against pre-charge bail was removed in October 2022 (read about this here) we have seen an increase in the number of suspects subject to pre-charge bail. This blog discusses pre-charge police bail, the conditions you can...

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Changes to pre-charge bail

Posted: 10 November

Changes to pre-charge bail and the process of being released under investigation (RUI) came into force on the 28th October 2022 following implementation of schedule 4 of the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act 2022. What is pre-charge bail?...

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Expert legal advice with extra care

Why should I use a Lifetime Lawyer? Our solicitor Carly Dartnell is a proud...

- 26 July 2024

To Search or Not to Search

Police Powers and Your Rights. It is no secret that police officers have extensive...

- 26 July 2024

Nobody asks to live with dementia

Taylor Haldane Barlex LLP’s partnership with Alzheimer’s Society Dementia is the UK’s leading cause...

- 18 July 2024