@child safety

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Deprivation of Liberty Applications within Family Proceedings

Posted: 07 June

“Liberty” is a right conferred by Article 5 of the European Convention of Human Rights. It is a fundamental right for every individual regardless of age to have the power to do as they please. Within Article 5, there...

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Non-Accidental Injury and Care Proceedings

Posted: 22 April

What happens after Children’s Services becomes involved? Following a referral to Children’s Services in respect of a non-accidental injury, you may be asked to consent to your child being placed in the care of a family member or in...

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Social Services and the Emergency Removal of Children

Posted: 07 February

Social Services may be applying to the Court for an Order to protect your child in an emergency. Social Services have duties to protect all children in their area. If they believe your child is at immediate risk of...

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What is Section 20 of the Children Act 1989?

Posted: 17 October

The Law on Social Services removing children There are many reasons why the Local Authority, often known as Social Services, may be required to remove a child from their home. Reasons include if they are suffering or have suffered...

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Child safety

Posted: 31 May

Local Authorities have a general duty to safeguard the children in their area, reduce inequalities between young children in their area, and improve their wellbeing. Every Local Authority should take reasonable steps to prevent children within their area suffering...

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Expert legal advice with extra care

Why should I use a Lifetime Lawyer? Our solicitor Carly Dartnell is a proud...

- 26 July 2024

To Search or Not to Search

Police Powers and Your Rights. It is no secret that police officers have extensive...

- 26 July 2024

Nobody asks to live with dementia

Taylor Haldane Barlex LLP’s partnership with Alzheimer’s Society Dementia is the UK’s leading cause...

- 18 July 2024