Calls to Ban Smacking Children in England and Northern Ireland
Recent events have reignited calls for the abolition of smacking children in England and...- 21 March 2025
The Professional Misconduct Department is a specialised team within the Practice that specifically represents professionals facing allegations in crime or misconduct, those involved in post-incident procedures and those involved in proceedings before HM Coroner or at Courts Martial, both within the UK and overseas.
The Team represents, amongst others, Police Officers, all limbs of HM Armed Forces, Medical Professionals and Lawyers at all stages from the early investigative point, during interview, in proceedings and upon appeal, whether in Crime, Misconduct, Performance or as Witness where appropriate.
We are one of very few Practices nationally and internationally accredited and permitted to provide these services by the Police Federation of England & Wales and its Legal Insurers. Each specialist Member of the Team is individually accredited to undertake work within this niche area of Law and with the Team having Rights of Audience as Advocates both overseas and at home in the UK.
The Department is headed by Founder Partner Russell Haldane, a very experienced and specialist Solicitor of many years standing who is the “go to” man for many Police Forces and other Professional Bodies. All Members of the Team are experienced, qualified, and accredited Solicitors or Police Station Representatives, including retired full-time Police Federation Representatives and Police Officers. Our Team provides legal advice and representation across the entirety of England & Wales primarily London, East Anglia, the South-West, Midlands and the North-West
The Department operates an out of hours ‘on call’ service every day and night of the year including Christmas and New Year and unlike other Practices, we strive to attend every matter in person, if possible.
In all matters in which we are instructed, we provide a cradle to grave service, from the first phone call informing us of a matter that needs our attention through to potential Crime or Misconduct Appeals. If the allegation is so serious or complex that a Barrister is required to represent those for whom we act, we have unrivalled connections and relationships with only the Leading Chambers in the UK, instructing only Leading Individuals who are similarly experienced and accredited to undertake such specialist work.
Within the Country’s leading legal reference “The Legal 500”, the Practice has been deemed to be a ‘Top Tier Firm’ and the Professional Misconduct Team is headed by a Legal 500 ‘Leading Individual’.
In order to provide representation, Members of our Team have travelled to Cyprus, the Middle East, the Channel Islands and Gibraltar for Interviews, Post Incident Procedures and Courts Martial… we have even represented Clients aboard submarines and warships in warzones… time and distance is no object!
We take much pride in being a truly professional Team with unparalleled experience and our clients can rest assured, that even in the most stressful of times, they are in the very safest of hands.
- 21 March 2025
- 19 March 2025
- 19 March 2025