
Family Mediation

Posted: 23 November 2023

What is Mediation?

Family mediation is a method of alternative dispute resolution. It works by instructing a neutral and independent third party to help you resolve a conflict or dispute in an attempt to reach a mutually acceptable resolution.

Common uses:

One of the most common uses for this form of mediation is when couples separate on a permanent basis. When attempting to come to an agreement regarding children, finances or other assets, family mediation is an extremely helpful tool. So much so that since April 2014 any application to issue court proceedings must be accompanied by a form. To confirm that mediation has been attended or at least attempted, under Part 2 Section 10(1) Children and Families Act 2014.

Principles of Mediation:

In accordance with the Family Mediators Association, there are four principles of mediation:

  1. Mediation is voluntary – This principle requires both parties to want to mediate and ensures that both parties are free to stop the mediation process at any time.
  2. Mediators are impartial – This principal ensures that the mediator does not take sides and is supportive of both parties, ensuring the best outcome for all.
  3. Mediation is confidential – This principle ensures all information shared with the mediator is kept confidential. In addition, parties do not need to worry about their personal information going any further.
  4. The clients are in charge – This principle confirms the fact that the mediators are there purely to guide and assist you in reaching an acceptable resolution. The mediator cannot make decisions for you, you are in charge of the outcome of the session or sessions.

There are multiple benefits to family mediation. Mediation is a less formal, faster, and far less costly than going to Court. Mediation gives parties the opportunity to be involved in the resolution process, which may be more restricted within daunting Court proceedings.

Should you find yourself in a conflict, mediation is a great tool to consider using. It is important to do your research when looking for a mediator to ensure they are the right one for you.

Contact us for advice

Although THB Legal does not provide mediation services, should you wish to speak to with one of our specialist family law solicitors about how they can support you. Alternatively, if you would simply like more information on the services we offer, please contact us. You can call 01245 493959, send an email or complete our online form

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